- Architecture
- Configuration
- Install Convoy
Product Manual
Command Line
Business & Enterprise
Convoy can be configured by using any of the following:
- A configuration file —
- Environment variables.
cli flags
It is recommended to pick one configuration method and stick to it, but
if you mix and match, the order of precedence is as follows:
cli flags
> environment variables
> convoy.json
file. Values set in the cli flags
will override the same config values set in environment variables
, and
values set in both of them will override the same values set in your convoy.json
Configuration Reference
Here’s the full configuration reference
// [optional]
// Convoy uses a backwards-compatible api verisioning strategy
// for the REST API. This config specifies which version your
// instance should use. The environment variable equivalent is
// CONVOY_API_VERSION. The default value is the latest at the time of release.
"api_version": "2024-01-01",
// [optional]
// This is used to specify the host the server is running on.
// It is used in emails with links to access the instance.
// E.g. user invitation. The environment variable equivalent is
// CONVOY_HOST. The default value is localhost.
"host": "",
// [required]
// Database configuration for your instance. As of this writing,
// Convoy only supports PostgreSQL.
"database": {
// Database host URL. The environment variable equivalent is
// CONVOY_DB_HOST. The default value is localhost.
"host": "localhost",
// Database scheme. The environment variable equivalent is
// CONVOY_DB_SCHEME. The default value is postgres.
"scheme": "postgres",
// Database username. The environment equivalent is
// CONVOY_DB_USERNAME. The default is postgres.
"username": "postgres",
// Database password. The environment equivalent is
// CONVOY_DB_PASSWORD. The default is postgres.
"password": "postgres",
// Database name. The environment equivalent is
// CONVOY_DB_DATABASE. The default is convoy.
"database": "convoy",
// Database options. The environment equivalent is
"options": "sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=30",
// Database port. The environment equivalent is
// CONVOY_DB_PORT. The default value is 5432.
"port": 5432
// This is used to tune the connection to the database
// for maximum performance. It specifies the maximum
// amount of open connections allowed in the connection pool.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_DB_MAX_OPEN_CONN
"max_open_conn": 10,
// This is used to tune the connection to the database
// for maximum performance. It specifies how many idle
// connections are allowed in the connection pool.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_DB_MAX_IDLE_CONN
"max_idle_conn": 10,
// This is used to tune the connection to the database
// for maximum performance. It specifies how long any
// connection is kept in the pool before being killed.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_DB_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME
"conn_max_lifetime": 10
// [optional]
// Read replicas configuration. These are additional database
// instances used for read operations, improving scalability and
// performance. Each replica can also use either a DSN or
// individual connection components.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_DB_READ_REPLICAS
"read_replicas": [
// Read replica DSN. If provided, it takes precedence over
// individual components like host, username, etc.
"dsn": "postgres://convoy:convoy@localhost:5436/convoy",
// Individual connection components. Ignored if DSN is specified.
"host": "localhost",
"username": "convoy",
"password": "convoy",
"database": "convoy",
"port": 5436
// Example of a read replica using individual components instead of a DSN.
"host": "localhost",
"username": "convoy",
"password": "convoy",
"database": "convoy",
"port": 5437
// Each Convoy component, includes a server component. This is used to
// configure the server on each component.
"server": {
"http": {
// This is a boolean flag used to determine if ssl should be
// enabled or not. The environment variable equivalent is
// SSL. The default value is false.
"ssl": false,
// This is a path used to read the ssl cert file. The environment
// variable equivalent is CONVOY_SSL_CERT_FILE. If ssl is set to
// true, then this must be supplied.
"ssl_cert_file": "",
// This is a path used to read the ssl key file. The environment
// variable equivalent is CONVOY_SSL_KEY_FILE. If ssl is set to
// true, then this must be supplied.
"ssl_key_file": "",
// This is used to configure the port for the api server runs on. This
// config has no effect on the other components. The environment
// variable equivalent is PORT.
"port": 5005,
// This is used to configure the port the worker server runs on. This
// config has no effect on the other components. The environment
// variable equivalent is WORKER_PORT.
"worker_port": 5006,
// This is used to configure the port the ingest server runs on. This
// config has no effect on the other components. The environment
// variable equivalent is INGEST_PORT.
"ingest_port": 5007,
// This is used to configure the port the socket server runs on. This
// config has no effect on the other components. The environment
// variable equivalent is SOCKET_PORT.
"socket_port": 5008,
// This is used to configure the forward proxy URL. This is must be set
// on all workers if you want to configure a forward proxy. The
// environment variable equivalent is HTTP_PROXY.
"http_proxy": ""
// [required]
// Redis configuration for your instance. Convoy uses redis for
// caching and enqueuing delivery.
"redis": {
// Redis port. The environment variable equivalent is
"port": 6379,
// Redis host. The environment variable equivalent is
"host": "localhost",
// Redis scheme. The environment variable equivalent is
// CONVOY_REDIS_SCHEME. Redis sentinel is not currently supported.
"scheme": "redis",
// Redis username. The environment variable equivalent is
"username": "redis",
// Redis password. The environment variable equivalent is
"password": "redis",
// Redis database. The environment variable equivalent is
// CONVOY_REDIS_DATABASE. The default: 0
"database": 0,
// [optional]
// Redis cluster addresses. The environment variable equivalent is
// CONVOY_REDIS_ADDRESSES. The value takes precedence over the
// other redis configuration in this object. The urls are fully
// qualified domain names.
"addresses": "{url}, {url}, ..."
// [optional]
// your convoy license key, you will to specify this in order to access paid features.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_LICENSE_KEY.
"license_key": "<your-license-key>",
// [optional]
// This is used to tune the workers pool size in our workers.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CONSUMER_POOL_SIZE.
// The default value is 100.
"consumer_pool_size": 100,
// [optional]
// This is used to enable experimental features. Check
// for all the
// supported values. The environment variable equivalent is
"enable_feature_flag": [ "circuit-breaker" ],
// [optional]
// This is a boolean flag to configure profiling any Convoy component.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_ENABLE_PROFILING.
// The default value is false.
"enable_profiling": false,
// [optional]
// smtp configuration is used to configure an email backend to use in
// sending emails like notification emails, etc.
"smtp": {
// Specify the smtp provider. The environment variable equivalent is
"provider": "sendgrid",
// Specify the smtp URL. The environment variable equivalent is
"url": "",
// Specify the smtp port. The environment variable equivalent is
"port": 2525,
// Specify the smtp username. The environment variable equivalent is
"username": "apikey",
// Specify the smtp password. The environment variable equivalent is
"password": "api-key-from-sendgrid",
// Specify the smtp from email. The environment variable equivalent is
"from": "[email protected]"
// [optional]
// Specify the retention policy configurations for your convoy instance
// See the storage_policy config to configure where purged events will be stored.
"retention_policy": {
// Specify the period of time to go back before purging events, events within the specifed time period will not be purged.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_RETENTION_POLICY
"policy": "720h",
// Specify whether the retention policy job should run. The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_RETENTION_POLICY_ENABLED
"enabled": false,
// [optional]
// This is used to configure the logger for any Convoy component.
"logger": {
// This is used to configure the logging level. The supported values
// are: fatal, error, warn, info, debug. The environment variable
// equivalent is CONVOY_LOGGER_LEVEL. The default value is error.
"level": "debug"
// [optional]
// This is used to configure how we generate and push traces to. While
// it is an optional object, we highly recommend it to easily spot and
// fix production issues.
"tracer": {
// This is specifies the tracing backend to use, currently there are two
// supported in-built backends: otel, sentry. The environment variable
"type": "otel",
// This is used to configure an otel tracing backend. If type above is set
// to otel, then the object needs to be fully configured.
"otel": {
// OTel trace generation sample rate. The environment variable
// equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_SAMPLE_RATE
"sample_rate": 1.0,
// OTel backend URL. Only grpc ingestion urls are supported.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_SAMPLE_RATE
"collector_url": "",
// Specifies if server certs should be verified or not.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY
"insecure_skip_verify": true,
// This is used to specify extra auth headers for specific backends. E.g.
// some vendors require an api key authentication.
"otel_auth": {
// This is the request header key. E.g. Signoz-Api-Key. The environment
// variable equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_AUTH_HEADER_NAME.
"header_name": "",
// This is the request header value. The environment variable
"header_value": ""
// This is used to configure the sentry tracing backend. If type above is set
// to sentry, then this object needs to be fully configured.
"sentry": {
// This is used to specify the sentry DSN. The environment variable equivalent
"dsn": ""
// [optional]
// We use this to configure deleting events away from PostgreSQL. This config
// is optional, but if you're configuring retention policies on your project,
// then you need to supply it.
"storage_policy": {
// The type can be either s3 or on_prem. The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_POLICY_TYPE.
"type": "s3",
// If type above is set to s3, then this config needs to be supplied.
"s3": {
// We use this is prefix objects from this instance to S3. The
// environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_AWS_PREFIX.
"prefix": "",
// S3 Buckect name. The environment variable equivalent is
"bucket": "",
// Bucket access key. The environment variable equivalent is
"access_key": "",
// Bucket secret key. The environment variable equivalent is
"secret_key": "",
// Bucket region. The environment variable equivalent is
"region": "",
// auth session token. The environment variable equivalent is
"session_token": "",
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_AWS_ENDPOINT.
"endpoint": ""
// If type above is set to on_prem, then this config needs to be supplied.
"on_prem": {
// This specifies the path on the machine where pruned events are stored.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_PREM_PATH.
"path": ""
// [optional]
// This is used to configure authentication on your instance. The default values
// should be fine, except you want something more custom.
"auth": {
// This boolean flag is used to enable/disable registration on your
// instance. The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_SIGNUP_ENABLED.
"is_signup_enabled": true,
"jwt": {
// This is a boolean flag to enable user authentication or not.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_REALM_ENABLED.
// The default value is true.
"enabled": true,
// This is used to generate JWT tokens for UI API access. The environment
// variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_SECRET.
"secret": "",
// This is used to determine how long a token is valid for in seconds.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_EXPIRY.
"expiry": 1800,
// This is used to generate refresh JWT tokens. The environment
// variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_REFRESH_SECRET.
"refresh_secret": "",
// This is used to determine how long a refresh token is valid for in seconds.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRY.
"refresh_expiry": 3600
"native": {
// This is a boolean flag to enable user authentication or not.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_NATIVE_REALM_ENABLED.
// The default value is true.
"enabled": true
// [optional]
// This is used to configure the server's rate limit. It defaults to 25 reqs/sec.
"api_rate_limit": 25
// [optional]
// This is used to configure the ingestion rate limit on the data plane. Internally,
// it is a distributed rate limiter implemented on Redis to ensure consistent limits
// across the cluster.
"instance_ingest_rate": 50
// [optional]
// This is used to control the agent's execution mode. The values can be either
// default, retry and events.
"execution_mode": "retry"
// [optional]
// This is used to configure how we circuit break client endpoints.
"circuit_breaker": {
// This is the frequency of polling the database in seconds to calculate
// an endpoint's error rate.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SAMPLE_RATE.
"sample_rate": 10,
// This is the total amount of time in seconds wait in the half-open state
// to enable the endpoint to recover.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_ERROR_TIMEOUT.
"error_timeout": 60,
// This is the % number of failures in the observability window, before
// we tripe the circuit.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_FAILURE_THRESHOLD.
"failure_threshold": 10,
// This is the total number of successes in the half-open state that'll
// trigger the circuit back to a closed state.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SUCCESS_THRESHOLD.
"success_threshold": 50,
// This is the total number of requests an endpoint must have before
// we begin calculating error rate.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_MINIMUM_REQUEST_COUNT.
"minimum_request_count": 15,
// This is the total time window to use in calculating the endpoint error rate.
// It is configured in minutes.
// The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_OBSERVABILITY_WINDOW.
"observability_window": 30,
// This is the total number of consecutive transitions to the open state
// before we finally disable the endpoint.
"consecutive_failure_threshold": 10
// [optional]
// This configures a set of IP addresses that we can connect to. The goal
// is to prevent SSRF.
"dispatcher": {
// This determines if the gateway accepts self-signed certificates.
// The equivalent environment variable is CONVOY_DISPATCHER_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY.
"insecure_skip_verify": false,
// This is used to configure the set of IP addresses we can connect to.
// The equivalent environment variable is CONVOY_DISPATCHER_ALLOW_LIST.
"allow_list": [ "" ]
// This is used to configure the set of IP addresses that are blocked.
// The equivalent environment variable is CONVOY_DISPATCHER_BLOCK_LIST.
"deny_list": [ "", "" ]
// [optional]
// This is the total time in seconds used to cap the exponential backoff
// retry algorithm. For example, if set to 7200, it means we will never
// exceed 2 hours in retry delay.
// The equivalent environment variable is CONVOY_MAX_RETRY_SECONDS.
"max_retry_seconds": 2000
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